Eligibility Criteria Released for Food & Beverage Relief Fund
Applications Open Nov. 30th
To help offset the financial impact on restaurants and bars, Governor Beshear announced last week that he dedicated federal Coronavirus Relief Funds in the amount of $40 million for a Food and Beverage Relief Fund to provide assistance to bars and restaurants required to close to in-person services for eligible expenses.
Applications will become available on Monday, Nov. 30th. Eligible bars and restaurants are encouraged to prepare the necessary paperwork as listed ON-LINE HERE.
[Review Eligibility Guidelines & Criteria Here]
- Businesses will be eligible for up to $10,000 in assistance per location.
- Maximum award of up to $20,000 per business entity.
- Available to businesses that are defined as bars or restaurants
- Bars = business that holds a valid retail liquor by the drink license and
serves drinks for on-site consumption.
- Restaurants = business that makes prepared meals in single quantities
one customer at a time for on-site consumption.
- Business with less than 50% of their sales via drive-thrus will be eligible.
- Business may not be owned by a publicly traded company.
- Business will be required to remain in compliance with all public health orders.
- Any award will be a grant, not a loan. However, the grant may be considered taxable income (consult your tax professional for additional guidance), and awardees will receive a 1099 statement regarding any award received.
- Entity must supply and maintain documentation demonstrating that the award was spent on permissible uses for a period of five (5) years.
- Entities that do not comply with the terms of the program may be required to return the award.
Applications will close when funds are exhausted, or on December 18, 2020 at 11:59:59 PM, whichever comes first.
- On November 25, 2020